Shopping Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: What is for sale in the Bespoke Drip Shop, and how do I pay for stuff?
Answer: We currently offer a number of products, but most of our work is built to order. Bespoke Drip currently accepts secure online payments through PayPal, and non-PayPal users may simply use credit/debit card payments using the on-screen prompts (which are securely processed through PayPal, but do not require a PayPal login or user account). For larger transactions we accept personal or business check, US cash, and/or bank transfer.

Question: Do I have to create an account on Bespoke Drip or PayPal to buy stuff?
Answer: NO. You don’t have to create an account on Bespoke Drip or PayPal to buy stuff. You may checkout as a Guest, and just pay by credit/debit card when prompted (will still be processed by PayPal’s secure encrypted payment processing, but does not require an account).

Question: What is the benefit of creating an account on Bespoke Drip?
Answer: If you create an account on Bespoke Drip you can always log in to find your past purchases, and have full access to your payment, billing, and shipping information for physical goods that would be shipped to you. It allows you more control over your purchases (similar to, and is totally free. It is highly recommended, and only takes a few seconds to complete when creating your first order. You can always access your account from the main navigation menu at the top of our website, under Shop > My Account.

Question: Does Bespoke Drip store my credit card information, or share my information with other companies?
Answer: NO. Bespoke Drip does not retain any credit card or payment information like your credit/debit card. It is handled entirely offsite by PayPal’s encrypted payment services (even if you do not have a PayPal account; they are the credit card processor). We do not sell or share your personal information with anybody.

Question: May I pay with bank transfer?
Answer: YES! We accept and encourage bank transfer payments for large purchases. This is safe, reliable, and saves on any transaction costs.

Have any other questions? Please feel free to contact our customer support at